The goal was to structure and re-design the way how product development and product management was done within the organisation.
Build up of a clear message & vision on why we needed to change the way how product development & management was done previously in order to:
- Speed up time to market
- Increase effectiveness & profitability
- Create product awareness & knowledge across the entire organisation
- Make sure the product/solution landed in every department of the organisation (from Sales to support and all other departments in between)
- Via effective explanation & communication in all-staff, department and team meetings
- One on ones on an ad hoc basis based on resistance level
- The strategy was based on creating focus teams, with a representation of all layers of the organisation, for each new product/solution
- A focus team with a focus team lead, team members and managed & coordinated by a project manager
- With clear delivery milestones (from product idea until product roll out)
- Clear focus on why, when and how communications will take place
- In order to engage all stakeholders communities and manage the expectations
- Via individual reporting of the focus team leads
- Via management and core management team agenda
- Incorporated in the delivery milestones of the focus team
- All training aspects were taken into account. From Sales until support with in between ordering, delivery, project management, installation, contract administration and invoicing
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