Interim management

What is interim management?

Temporary management with a special assignment that aims to implement a lasting improvement in the organization.

There are two common interpretations of the term temporary on interim management:
- The temporary appointment of a manager to problem an existing role
- The temporary placement of a manager to solve a specific problem

Any organization faced a lack of internal knowledge and / or resources. With a high-level interim manager you can temporarily increase your management capacities in the short term to overcome a number of company critical bottlenecks or to bridge a transition period.

As Kronsult we believe that we are strong in the further growth of this flexible form of cooperation. And we like to throw our extensive experience in that area into the scales.

In what circumstances does it make sense to hire an Interim Manager?

The reasons for this can be various: an employee leaves the organization and the new recruitment is not yet due, absence due to illness, an employee is temporarily engaged internally on another project, etc.


You need someone who has the experience that you don't have yourself. Or you want to entrust this role to someone who has no prior history and is neutral towards the existing organization.

Crisis and / or change management

Via Interim Management you acquire both the appropriate knowledge and the extra capacity.
Until there the theory. In practice, these forms often overlap. It is really essential to know what you want to achieve, what and who you need to achieve this, what needs to be delivered. And we can assist you perfectly in this.

Project-based work and peaks in work volume

of interim management assignments

To support projects, such as setting up new processes, systems and / or department (s)

For temporary additional expertise

To bridge the period in which a permanent position is filled


In case of mergers, acquisitions or reorganisations

In case of an employee's long-term illness from maternity leave

Change of crisis management

Temporary increase of the workload

Kris is one of the top managers in BT. He motivates team, bring them together and inspire to achieve team goals. Always constructive and always positive.

Atul A.

Regional Sales Director in Retail-Manufacturing and Logistics, BT Global

I have worked with Kris for many years and have no hesitation in recommending him for customer service management positions. He has consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of the customers needs and the ability to meet those with appropriate services or product offerings. Kris has successfully managed a multi-skilled service group across our European customer base, which has resulted in customers renewing their multi-year service contracts. He also shown he can think strategically when proposing new product offerings and the ability to integrate these with engineering and marketing. He has strong language skills, a key plus in Europe.

Chris Barton

Managing Director, Econocom

 “Interim management is a profession, consciously chosen and NOT an alternative for in between jobs managers” 

Start your interim management traject here

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